Announcing new videobooks

Mon 06 September 2021


This ebook format contains embedded videos. Each video is an animation that shows you a dance step, handhold, pattern, or combination. Combinations are shown to you from more than one camera angle.

Where to find?

  1. Apple Books

  2. Amazon

Would you like to support this project?

I want to make many more of these dance patterns and combinations available to you in this way. This is a labor of love for me! It costs more to produce this content than I earn in book sales. You can help spread the salsa love by hitting the button below.

Why the videobook?

Some people say that they wish they had a simple way to learn a salsa dance combination on their phone in their browser without having to wade through pages of text and without having to sit through minutes of video to get to the demonstration. Other people have said that they would like to see a combination from more than one angle.

If you are a visual learner, this videobook is perfect for you! This is great for you if you learn by watching a demonstration, or if you learn best by imitating a movement in real time.

Scrubbable video

You can "scrub" each animation. Moving the cursor or playhead across the video timeline manually is called video scrubbing. Scrubbing is a great way for you to review the video at your own pace, something that can be a challenge to do with other video content.

How to use video scrubbing?

It is super easy -- barely an inconvenience. All you need to do is move your cursor above the scrub bar and drag it in the desired direction to navigate through video clips.

Succinct text

Each video is accompanied with just enough text to explain each video. Links send you to longer form content that goes into more depth or provides additional context.

Streamlined presentation

Having perused hundreds of instructional salsa dance videos, I can attest to how challenging it can be for a beginner to follow the movements demonstrated by even the best professional salsa dance instructors. Many dance instructors are well suited to teaching intermediate to advanced level dancers; however they often use styling that is overkill for the beginner. Beginners can get confused by elaborate stylings or lose sight of what is essential.

Advance Review Copy

Contact me if you would like a free ARC to review or to preview for a larger purchase for your club or educational institution.

Please share your feedback

You can tell me what you think by tweet or email. Your feedback is so appreciated! We value your opinion! If this format is helpful, then more content will be added.

What would you like to see?

  • Tweet your feedback to @salsahandbook
  • Email your feedback to salsahandbook (at) gmail (dot) com.


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